This restaurant suffered water ingress from a slow leak in the restaurant next door, that caused significant disruption and some loss of trade whilst the leak was traced, repaired and the area dried out.
Leaksafe were asked to carry out a site survey to look at the options available to reduce the risk of further water damage to the premises from leaks in the adjoining business.
Flow monitoring systems that rely on measuring normal or continuous flow through the restaurants own pipework would not be appropriate, so we recommended the installation of 6M of leak detection tape that would pick up any water ingress along the party wall. The tape is connected to a Leaksafe WaterComm device and if the tape gets wet, the WaterComm sends an immediate message by email / SMS or both, to the building managers so that they can investigate before any damage is done.
Notifications are sent using IoT (Internet of Things) technology to avoid reliance on occupier WiFi.

Leaksafe worked closely with the restaurants’ Managers who provided 2 access points along the party wall so that the leak detection tape and WaterComm device is accessible.
On the day of installation, works commenced at 9:00am and handover was complete by 10:30am before the restaurant opened its doors to the public for the lunchtime service.